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toggle navigation lire le coran écouter le coran plus webmasters à propos nous écrire changement de propriétaire -- suivre @bismirabbika and tags on every page of your site. -- lisez et écoutez le noble coran lire le coran écouter le coran (par verset) lire la sourate... 1. al-fatihah الفاتحة 2. al-baqarah البقرة 3. ali 'imran آل عمران 4. an-nisa' النساء 5. al-ma'idah المائدة 6. al-an'am الأنعام 7. al-a'raf الأعراف 8. al-anfal الأنفال 9. at-tawbah التوبة 10. yunus يونس 11. hud هود 12. yusuf يوسف 13. ar-ra'd الرعد 14. ibrahim ابراهيم 15. al-hijr الحجر 16. an-nahl النحل 17. al-isra' الإسراء 18. al-kahf الكهف 19. maryam مريم 20. ta ha طه 21. al-anbiya' الأنبياء 22. al-hajj الحج 23. al-mu'minun المؤمنون 24. an-nur النور 25. al-furqan الفرقان 26. ash-shu'ara' الشعراء 27. an-naml النمل 28. al-qasas القصص 29. al-'ankabut العنكبوت 30. ar-rum الروم 31. luqman لقمان 32. as-sajdah السجدة 33. al-ahzab الأحزاب 34. saba' سبإ 35. fatir فاطر 36. ya sin يس 37. as-saffat الصافات 38. sad ص 39. az-zumar الزمر 40. ghafir غافر 41. fussilat فصلت 42. ash-shura الشورى 43. az-zukhruf الزخرف 44. ad-dukhan الدخان 45. al-jathiyah الجاثية 46. al-ahqaf الأحقاف 47. muhammad محمد 48. al-fath الفتح 49. al-hujurat الحجرات 50. qaf ق 51. adh-dhariyat الذاريات 52. at-tur الطور 53. an-najm النجم 54. al-qamar القمر 55. ar-rahman الرحمن 56. al-waqi'ah الواقعة 57. al-hadid الحديد 58. al-mujadalah المجادلة 59. al-hashr الحشر 60. al-mumtahanah الممتحنة 61. as-saff الصف 62. al-jumu'ah الجمعة 63. al-munafiqun المنافقون 64. at-taghabun التغابن 65. at-talaq الطلاق 66. at-tahrim التحريم 67. al-mulk الملك 68. al-qalam القلم 69. al-haqqah الحاقة 70. al-ma'arij المعارج 71. nuh نوح 72. al-jinn الجن 73. al-muzzammil المزمل 74. al-muddaththir المدثر 75. al-qiyamah القيامة 76. al-insan الانسان 77. al-mursalat المرسلات 78. an-naba' النبإ 79. an-nazi'at النازعات 80. 'abasa عبس 81. at-takwir التكوير 82. al-infitar الإنفطار 83. al-mutaffifin المطففين 84. al-inshiqaq الإنشقاق 85. al-buruj البروج 86. at-tariq الطارق 87. al-a'la الأعلى 88. al-ghashiyah الغاشية 89. al-fajr الفجر 90. al-balad البلد 91. ash-shams الشمس 92. al-layl الليل 93. ad-duha الضحى 94. ash-sharh الشرح 95. at-tin التين 96. al-'alaq العلق 97. al-qadr القدر 98. al-bayyinah البينة 99. az-zalzalah الزلزلة 100. al-'adiyat العاديات 101. al-qari'ah القارعة 102. at-takathur التكاثر 103. al-'asr العصر 104. al-humazah الهمزة 105. al-fil الفيل 106. quraysh قريش 107. al-ma'un الماعون 108. al-kawthar الكوثر 109. al-kafirun الكافرون 110. an-nasr النصر 111. al-masad المسد 112. al-ikhlas الإخلاص 113. al-falaq الفلق 114. an-nas الناس (par page) aller à la sourate... 1. al-fatihah الفاتحة 2. al-baqarah البقرة 3. ali 'imran آل عمران 4. an-nisa' النساء 5. al-ma'idah المائدة 6. al-an'am الأنعام 7. al-a'raf الأعراف 8. al-anfal الأنفال 9. at-tawbah التوبة 10. yunus يونس 11. hud هود 12. yusuf يوسف 13. ar-ra'd الرعد 14. ibrahim ابراهيم 15. al-hijr الحجر 16. an-nahl النحل 17. al-isra' الإسراء 18. al-kahf الكهف 19. maryam مريم 20. ta ha طه 21. al-anbiya' الأنبياء 22. al-hajj الحج 23. al-mu'minun المؤمنون 24. an-nur النور 25. al-furqan الفرقان 26. ash-shu'ara' الشعراء 27. an-naml النمل 28. al-qasas القصص 29. al-'ankabut العنكبوت 30. ar-rum الروم 31. luqman لقمان 32. as-sajdah السجدة 33. al-ahzab الأحزاب 34. saba' سبإ 35. fatir فاطر 36. ya sin يس 37. as-saffat الصافات 38. sad ص 39. az-zumar الزمر 40. ghafir غافر 41. fussilat فصلت 42. ash-shura الشورى 43. az-zukhruf الزخرف 44. ad-dukhan الدخان 45. al-jathiyah الجاثية 46. al-ahqaf الأحقاف 47. muhammad محمد 48. al-fath الفتح 49. al-hujurat الحجرات 50. qaf ق 51. adh-dhariyat الذاريات 52. at-tur الطور 53. an-najm النجم 54. al-qamar القمر 55. ar-rahman الرحمن 56. al-waqi'ah الواقعة 57. al-hadid الحديد 58. al-mujadalah المجادلة 59. al-hashr الحشر 60. al-mumtahanah الممتحنة 61. as-saff الصف 62. al-jumu'ah الجمعة 63. al-munafiqun المنافقون 64. at-taghabun التغابن 65. at-talaq الطلاق 66. at-tahrim التحريم 67. al-mulk الملك 68. al-qalam القلم 69. al-haqqah الحاقة 70. al-ma'arij المعارج 71. nuh نوح 72. al-jinn الجن 73. al-muzzammil المزمل 74. al-muddaththir المدثر 75. al-qiyamah القيامة 76. al-insan الانسان 77. al-mursalat المرسلات 78. an-naba' النبإ 79. an-nazi'at النازعات 80. 'abasa عبس 81. at-takwir التكوير 82. al-infitar الإنفطار 83. al-mutaffifin المطففين 84. al-inshiqaq الإنشقاق 85. al-buruj البروج 86. at-tariq الطارق 87. al-a'la الأعلى 88. al-ghashiyah الغاشية 89. al-fajr الفجر 90. al-balad البلد 91. ash-shams الشمس 92. al-layl الليل 93. ad-duha الضحى 94. ash-sharh الشرح 95. at-tin التين 96. al-'alaq العلق 97. al-qadr القدر 98. al-bayyinah البينة 99. az-zalzalah الزلزلة 100. al-'adiyat العاديات 101. al-qari'ah القارعة 102. at-takathur التكاثر 103. al-'asr العصر 104. al-humazah الهمزة 105. al-fil الفيل 106. quraysh قريش 107. al-ma'un الماعون 108. al-kawthar الكوثر 109. al-kafirun الكافرون 110. an-nasr النصر 111. al-masad المسد 112. al-ikhlas الإخلاص 113. al-falaq الفلق 114. an-nas الناس écouter le récitateur... abbas ath-thubayti - 5 s. abd al-'adhim zahir - 2 s. abd al-'aziz abu al-ghayt - 5 s. abd al-'aziz al-'ahmad - complet abd al aziz alili - complet abd al-'aziz al-kur'ani - 41 s. abd al-'aziz al-'wid - 1 s. abd al-'aziz an-nasir - 2 s. abd al-'aziz ar-rawdan - 38 s. abd al-'aziz as-suwaydan - 2 s. abd al-'aziz az-zahrani - 9 s. abd al-'aziz faraj - 8 s. abd al-'aziz harbi - 2 s. abd al-'aziz nada - complet abd al-badi' abu hashim - 52 s. abd al-bari ath-thubayti - complet abd al-bari muhammad - 107 s. abd al-basit 'abd as-samad - complet abd al-basit 'abd as-samad (2) - complet abd al-basit 'abd as-samad (3) - complet abd al-basit muhammad - 28 s. abd al-fattah ash-sha'asha'i - 6 s. abd al-fattah at-taruti - 3 s. abd al-hadi kanakari - complet abd al-hakim 'abd allah - 106 s. abd al-hakim al-'usaymi - 4 s. abd al-hakim sufi - 3 s. abd al-hamid hafidh - 46 s. abd al-hamid hasayan - complet abd al-hamid mahmud - 37 s. abd al-kabir al-hadidi - complet abd al-karim ad-diwan - 17 s. abd al-khaliq 'ali - complet abd allah abu al-fatuh - 27 s. abd allah al-batah - 4 s. abd allah al-buraymi - 52 s. abd allah al-ghamidi - 2 s. abd allah al-hazim - 1 s. abd allah al-juhani - complet abd allah al-kandari - complet abd allah al-khilayfi - 36 s. abd allah al-matrud - complet abd allah al-'umayr - 4 s. abd allah an-nafjan - 1 s. abd allah ar-rifa'i - 8 s. abd allah as-salam - 4 s. abd allah basfar - complet abd allah bin khayat - complet abd allah buqyan - 4 s. abd allah handi - 1 s. abd allah kamal - 56 s. abd allah taha sarbal - complet abd allah 'usam - 5 s. abd al-latif 'abd ar-rahman - 7 s. abd al-majid al-jaza'iri - 15 s. abd al-muhsin al-harthi - complet abd al-muhsin al-qasim - complet abd al-muhsin al-'ubaykan - complet abd al-muhsin al-'ujaymi - 3 s. abd al-mujib kiran - complet abd al-mun'im 'abd al-mubdi' - complet abd al-mun'im at-tukhi - 3 s. abd al-qadir 'abd allah - 2 s. abd al-qadir al-maghribi - 1 s. abd al-qadir fatuh - 6 s. abd al-qadir hasan - 3 s. abd al-wadud hanif - complet abd al-wahhab al-munayfi - 1 s. abd al-wahhab at-tantawi - 2 s. abd al-wahhab ghazi - 50 s. abd al-wahid al-maghribi - 2 s. abd al-wali al-'arkani - 31 s. abd al-warith 'abd al-'aziz - 1 s. abd ar-rahim nabulsi - 3 s. abd ar-rahim nur - 2 s. abd ar-rahim qawish - 1 s. abd ar-rahman ad-darawi - 2 s. abd ar-rahman al-khun - 4 s. abd ar-rahman al-mishari - 3 s. abd ar-rahman al-yusif - 111 s. abd ar-rahman ash-shahri - 2 s. abdul rahman al-sudais - complet abd ar-rahman az-zayni - 10 s. abd ar-rahman marta' - 37 s. abd ar-rashid sufi - complet abd ar-rashid sufi (2) - complet abd ar-rashid sufi (3) - complet abd ar-razzaq ad-dulaymi - complet abd ar-razzaq ash-shamri - 7 s. abd as-salam al-hamdan - 37 s. abd as-salam al-yahya - 44 s. abu 'abd allah - 2 s. abu al-'aynayn ash-su'ayshi' - 1 s. abu al-hasan al-kurdi - complet abu al-karam anflus - 41 s. abu bakr ash-shatri - complet abu dhar al-qulmuni - 2 s. abu hajar al-'iraqi - 1 s. abu hazim al-mahjub - 1 s. abu hudhayfah al-makki - 9 s. abu 'ibadah at-tayyib - 65 s. abu musa al-jaza'iri - 1
Whois est un protocole qui permet d'accéder aux informations d'enregistrement.Vous pouvez atteindre quand le site Web a été enregistré, quand il va expirer, quelles sont les coordonnées du site avec les informations suivantes. En un mot, il comprend ces informations;
Registry Domain ID: 2004009248_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server: who.planethoster.net
Registrar URL: http://www.planethoster.net
Updated Date: 2016-12-14T17:31:04Z
Creation Date: 2016-02-18T19:11:50Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2019-02-18T19:11:50Z
Registrar: PlanetHoster Inc.
Registrar IANA ID: 2476
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone:
Domain Status: ok https://icann.org/epp#ok
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form: https://www.icann.org/wicf/
>>> Last update of whois database: 2017-09-06T06:19:06Z <<<
For more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp
NOTICE: The expiration date displayed in this record is the date the
registrar's sponsorship of the domain name registration in the registry is
currently set to expire. This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration
date of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoring
registrar. Users may consult the sponsoring registrar's Whois database to
view the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration.
TERMS OF USE: You are not authorized to access or query our Whois
database through the use of electronic processes that are high-volume and
automated except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or
modify existing registrations; the Data in VeriSign Global Registry
Services' ("VeriSign") Whois database is provided by VeriSign for
information purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining information
about or related to a domain name registration record. VeriSign does not
guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abide
by the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data only
for lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this Data
to: (1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass
unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail, telephone,
or facsimile; or (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes
that apply to VeriSign (or its computer systems). The compilation,
repackaging, dissemination or other use of this Data is expressly
prohibited without the prior written consent of VeriSign. You agree not to
use electronic processes that are automated and high-volume to access or
query the Whois database except as reasonably necessary to register
domain names or modify existing registrations. VeriSign reserves the right
to restrict your access to the Whois database in its sole discretion to ensure
operational stability. VeriSign may restrict or terminate your access to the
Whois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. VeriSign
reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.
The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains and
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